Recruitment, Session 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013 IIUM Gamelan Group 1 Comments Category : , , , ,

Alhamdulillah. we had finished the recruitment and induction for the new intake of Gamelan Club for this semester. And praise to HIM, everything's went well. Even though the applicants for this year might be not as much as last years but most of them had an experience in playing Gamelan instrument in their former school. As for the recruitment, there were three phases the applicants needed to go through.

First session was the interviewing session. This session was handled by some of the committee who had been chosen. Second session, we taught the applicants how to play and get the beats and melody of the simple songs in the Gamelan tradisional itself. The instrument  included were bonang, sarong pekin, sarong baron, gambang, and also gendang.

As for the last session, the applicants needed to have a test from what they have learnt. There were some things that the committee members needed to take a look which were the beats, the rhythm and  the melody. Most of the applicants who came at both nights had showed good skills and were able to catch up new knowledge very well. 

Thank you for all the applicants and committee members who were willing to spend some time for our recruitment days. Have a nice and barakah life, guys. Till then.. :)