Mega Bersih 2016
Assalamualaikum everyone.
Once a year, Gamelan Gema Gangsa will host an event known as Mega Bersih 2016. This year, it was on 16th of October. The idea is to have a massive gotong-royong from the
members to tidy up the training room as well as to polish all the instruments.
Prophet Muhammad (ï·º) said:
“Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty.”
[Sahīh Muslim 911].
this program can encourage the spirit of cooperation between the members of the
club as well as loves towards the place and the musical instrument itself.
Hence, everyone will become united to take care of anything related to the club
and the music which indirectly bring good name to the university.
The objectives of this event is to clean up the training room and to polish
gamelan instruments and make them look new. In addition, we also hope that this event will strengthen
up bond between all members as well as encourage the spirit of loves and cooperation.